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Installation Instructions


For internal use only check out this installation guide.


  • Include this addon as a requirement in the pyproject.toml file in your solution.
  • Check that all the requirements are met.

Create the Application Database

Lime BI requires a postgres database to run properly. Ensure that you have a Postgres instance that Lime BI can store its application database in.

After that, create a database in the PostgresSQL instance and give it the name lime-bi. (You can use the tool pgAdmin to connect to the PostgreSQL.)

In this step you also have to create a user in postgres that has read and write access to the database you just created.

Install Lime BI

  1. Start the Limefu prompt as an administrator.
  2. Run lime-bi service install and follow the guide that appears.
  3. The guide will ask you to use your browser to create a Metabase account, when you have done that you should return to the command prompt and click "enter".
  4. Follow the rest of the guide.

Uninstall Lime BI

  1. Start the Limefu prompt as an administrator.
  2. Run lime-bi service uninstall and follow the guide that appears.



Shared Applications

  • No preparations needed. Lime BI is included by default.

Isolated Applications in our Cloud Environment

  • Include this addon as a requirement in the pyproject.toml file in your solution.
  • Deploy the new version of your solution
  • Complete the same steps below but for your isolated application.

Activate Lime BI

These steps are the same for shared and isolated applications.

  • Go to Lime CAFE and locate your application.
  • Go to the config tab and paste the following configuration:
      lime_bi: true
  • Go to the Database tab and click "Create Lime BI readonly user"
  • Click on the Overview tab.
  • In the Status card you can see the status of the Lime BI DB user. When the Status is Done you can proceed to the next step (you have to refresh your page to get an update of the Status).

  • Go to lime-admin in the webclient (this step requires access to all limetypes)

  • Click on the addons-tab.
  • Click on lime-bi -> setup.
  • Click on Initialize and wait for it to be successful.
  • Pick a language and click on Sync.
  • You should see a task with a status shown below the sync button
    • Depending on how large your database is, this sync could take some time.
    • Click the refresh button to get the latest status.
  • When it's successful, you should be able to log in to Lime BI via the webclient.
  • Check that everything looks alright and that you can browse the data.

Embeddings in Cloud

Due to how Lime BI is set up in cloud you can only embed questions and dashboards placed in the application's own collection. This collection will have the same name as the solution. Otherwise, the process works like it is on-prem. If you try to embed a question or dashboard with an id that isn't belonging to the application you will get an error when saving the widget config.

Install Lime Bootstrap App in Desktop Client

Only needed if you want to show a Lime BI dashboard in the desktop client.

  1. Install the LIP package by downloading the latest from releases and run:
    $ lip.InstallFromZip
    Then, select your zip file that you downloaded. Remember to unblock the downloaded zip file.
  2. Copy the limebi folder in the apps catalogue to the sub folder apps in the Actionpad folder.
  3. Add the HTML below to the index Actionpad in the appropriate place.
  4. Set up the right configuration by changing the dashboardId in the config to correspond to the dashboard that you have published for embedding.
  5. Publish the Actionpads.

   <div data-app="{
      app: 'limebi',
         dashboards: [
               title: 'openlimebi',
               whereToOpen: 'overview',
               userGroups: ['Users']
See more under Configuration

Local environment

To run Lime BI locally in our docker based setup run

$ poetry add lime-bi
to install Lime BI. Then activate your local environment.

$ poetry shell

Next we will add the required services, metabase and postgres, to your docker-compose.yml file and start them.

$ lime-bi generate-dev-env
$ docker-compose up -d

Give the services a few minutes to come online and then go to localhost:3000 to set up your metabase account. Once this is done run:

$ lime-bi initialize
$ lime-bi setup

Head into Lime BI and your Lime CRM database. Note that the database is named the same as your solution and the SQL Server URL will be sqlserver

Finally, run:

$ lime-bi sync

You are all set. Happy data spelunking!